

Celebrating UIC grads

It was a send-off adorned with decorated caps, applause and glowing smiles — a milestone for UIC and its growing class of alumni, which welcomed new members by the thousands. On May 8…

Illustration: UIC Institute for Healthcare Delivery Design/Naumita Pereira|Illustration: UIC Institute for Healthcare Delivery Design/Larysa Glushchenko

UIC to lead national COPD clinical trial

COPD, an umbrella term for a number of lung conditions that make it difficult for a person to breathe, affects 15 million people living in the U.S. and is a leading cause of…

Two UIC students named Goldwater Scholars

May 9, 2019 A Syrian immigrant developing methods to address diabetic eye disease and an aspiring public health physician-scientist from Skokie are the latest University of Illinois at Chicago undergraduate researchers to earn…

As the executive vice president and chief medical Officer at Advocate Health Care, COM Alumnus Lee Sacks understands the value of clinical experience throughout the MD curriculum

Making the Rounds

Story by Bob Kronemyer The College of Medicine has a rich and distinguished history of providing students and residents with a variety of educational experiences by aligning with hospitals around the state. Whether…

Innovation Medicine (IMED) students - (left to right) Emil Klosowiak, Charlotte ter Haar, and Gardner Yost - may well be the

The Game Changers

Story and photos by Susan Reich They’re driven. They’re visionary. They thrive on challenges—in the classroom, in the laboratory and in their personal pursuits—and they could change the face of medicine as we…

Reaching Out, From City to Small Town

Community engagement efforts target underserved areas both rural and urban By: Richard Asa When Robert Winn, MD, decided to come to the College of Medicine, his motivation was simple. Winn (pictured at right)…