Amy Bretz Joins UI COM as Project Manager

Project Manager Amy Bretz' headshot

The University of Illinois College of Medicine is pleased to introduce Amy Bretz as its new Project Manager.

In this role, Amy is supporting college-wide initiatives including the TOP-ED program, which evaluates new technology solutions for curriculum management, course and faculty evaluations, student assessments, and scheduling, as well as the COM IT Governance initiative to align all information technology measures with our strategic goals. For this initiative, her team is working with all areas of the College and regional campuses to coordinate resources, thereby increasing visibility into potential risks and opportunities for enhancement and delivering consistent results.

Prior to joining UI COM, Amy served as Associate Director of Faculty & Academic Services at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with over 12 years of experience in project management for higher education institutions. She earned her MBA from the DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School of Business and is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP).

In her spare time, Amy is part of a bowling league on a championship winning team.