Lea Smucker Named Assistant Dean for Research Administration

Lea Smucker's headshot

The University of Illinois College of Medicine is excited to welcome Lea Smucker as Assistant Dean for Research Administration, effective December 16th, 2024.  Lea will provide strategic leadership and oversight for research administration within the College.  In this role, she will provide critical support for the research mission. Her responsibilities include fostering a collaborative research environment. This requires participation in research facility and space planning initiatives, as well as establishing college-wide best practices for research administration. Lea will also participate in the strategic planning processes by identifying areas for capacity building and providing actionable research metrics to drive improvement. Lea also supports the graduate education mission of the College and works closely with the administrative leadership of the GEMS & MSTP programs.

Lea holds a bachelor’s degree from Murray State University, a master’s degree from the University of Illinois Chicago, and is a Registered Certified Public Accountant. She began her administrative career at UIC as a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology where she continues to play a critical role.  She has been actively involved in research administration at many levels for over 22 years. For example, she recently helped launch the College of Medicine Research Administration Shared Service Center, which provides pre- and post-award support to participating clinical departments.  Her new position will allow her to make even greater contributions to the research mission of the College of Medicine.

Lea joined the Anatomy & Cell Biology department as a Graduate Assistant in May of 2002.  She has served in various roles in ACB and in the College of Medicine over the years, both officially and unofficially.  The constant theme for all of these roles has always been an emphasis on research administration:

  • 2002 – 2003: GA
  • 2003 – 2004: Project Coordinator
  • 2004 – 2006: Coordinator of Research Programs
  • 2006 – 2012: Director of Finance
  • 2012 – 2024: Director of Administrative OPerations

Lea has a husband and two kids who are actively involved in sports. If she’s not at work, she is likely at a soccer or basketball game cheering on her sons.