September Update: TOP-ED Technology Selection & Evaluation

Since February, TOP-ED Executive Sponsors, with the support from Huron Consulting Group, convened representatives from across the College, UIC Information Technology Services, and UIC Office of Student System Services to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) to procure new technology solutions for curriculum management, course/faculty evaluations, student assessments, and scheduling. Our goal is to identify vendors who can fulfill our unique needs, so we developed a flexible RFP approach where a vendor can respond to one or multiple solution categories. After numerous focus group sessions, interviews, and discussions with various UICOM and UIC constituents, we identified specific functional and technical requirements for each technology solution and incorporated these into the RFP.

The RFP was released for public bid on September 4, 2024 and will be posted to the public bid site (Illinois Procurement Bulletin: Search for “PPA113”) until October 3, 2024. UICOM is preparing for the vendor demonstrations which will be scheduled in mid-October. If you are interested in viewing vendor demonstrations for Curriculum Management, Course/Faculty Evaluations, Student Assessments, or Scheduling technology, please complete this interest form here. Once you complete the interest form, we will add your name to the list of participants and include you on the calendar invitation when scheduling each demonstration.

Learn more about the TOP-ED program