UI COM Policy on Medical Student Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards

  • Responsible party: Office of Educational Affairs, Senior Associate and Associate Deans
  • Audience: Students, Faculty, Staff
  • Approved by: CCIA Approval Date: February 5, 2025
  • LCME Element: 12.8 Student Exposure Policies/Procedures

Methods of Prevention Heading link

UI COM is committed to reducing risks of exposure to infectious and environmental hazards through:

  1. Mandatory Education and Training:   
    Students must complete an orientation that includes training on:

    • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Standard precautions, hand hygiene, and safe sharps handling.
    • Protocols for minimizing exposure to infectious and environmental hazards including isolation precautions.
    • This training is provided in orientation to the M1 year, as well as during transition to clerkships.
  2. Provision of Protective Resources:   
    • PPE, including gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection, will be provided at all clinical and lab sites.
    • Access to infection control policies and environmental hazard guidelines are readily available online and in clinical environments.
    •  Exposure Risk Mitigation:
      • Immunizations: To reduce the risk of medical students being exposed to infectious diseases, medical students are required to have immunizations as mandated by the University of Illinois, UI College of Medicine, and affiliate sites.
      • N95 Fit testing: Medical students are required to be fit tested for an N95 mask during the first year of medical school and updated as required by each affiliated site.
  3. The Affiliate sites regularly assess and improve facilities to minimize hazards.
  4. The College of Medicine encourages reporting of unsafe conditions without fear of reprisal.

Procedures of Care and Financial Responsibility Heading link

If a student is exposed to an infectious or environmental hazard, they must follow occupational exposures as outlined on each campus and affiliate site.

Procedure of Care

  • Immediate Actions:
    • For Needlestick Injuries or Other Exposures:
    • Wash the affected area with soap and water or irrigate mucous membranes with saline.
  • Notify a supervisor: Report the incident to the supervising faculty or preceptor immediately.
  • File a Report: Complete the UI Occupational Exposure Form with the Campus Office of Student Affairs within 24 hours.

Medical Care

  • Initial Evaluation: Students must seek care, where they are rotating, from an affiliated clinical site’s service for an immediate assessment following campus procedures.
  • Follow procedure as outlined on each campus:

Financial Responsibility:

  • Costs for initial care, testing, and treatment related to exposure during educational activities are outlined in the campus procedures.

The effects of infectious and environmental disease or disability on medical student learning activities Heading link

Reasonable Accommodations:

  • Students unable to participate in specific educational activities due to infectious disease or disability will be offered reasonable accommodations in consultation with the disability resource center to support continued learning.
  • Confidentiality and Support:
  • Students’ health conditions will remain confidential and handled in compliance with applicable privacy laws.
  • Counseling and wellness services will be available to assist students in managing their health conditions and educational commitments.

Student Responsibilities

UI COM Students are expected to:

  • Adhere to Prevention Protocols:
  • Follow all safety procedures, including proper PPE use, hand hygiene, and exposure risk mitigation practices.
  • Keep immunizations up to date including yearly influenza vaccination
  • Report and Follow-Up:
  • Promptly report exposure incidents and comply with follow-up care recommendations.
  • Proactively Communicate:
  • Notify Campus about any health condition that may affect participation in educational activities as outlined in the absence procedure.

Communication and Implementation

  • This policy will be distributed to all students, including visiting students, during orientation and made available on the UI COM website.
  • Students must acknowledge their understanding and agreement to follow this policy as part of their enrollment documentation.

Oversight and Review

  • The UI College of Medicine Office of Student Affairs on each campus will oversee the implementation and compliance with this policy.
  • By adhering to this policy, UI COM ensures the safety of students while maintaining the integrity of their educational experience.

CCIA approved 2/5/2025