Our Programs

Medical Students Heading link
Medicina Fellows (Lunch & Learn): Is a two year program which prepares students to become physician-leaders in Latino health and serve in Latino communities.
Program Advancing Research for Equity (PARE): An 8-week program introduces second year medical students to the field of biomedical and clinical research

Undergraduate Programs Heading link
Latino Health Science Enrichment Program: A 6-week summer academic enrichment program open to incoming UIC freshman from the Chicagoland and neighboring suburbs and Chicago City College students transferring into UIC and starting their 3rd year.
Program Advancing Research for Equity (PARE): Provides research opportunities to third and fourth year pre-medical undergraduate Hispanic/Latino or other underrepresented minority students interested in minority health and health disparities.
Medicina Scholars: A 3-year program that guides and supports Latino undergraduate students interested in the medical profession, or other health professions with the ultimate goal of preparing students to become competitive applicants for medical school admissions or admission to other health profession schools such as nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.

High School Students Heading link
Medicina Academy Apprentice: MAAP is a 3-year academic enrichment program that prepares Latino high school students for future careers in medicine and the health sciences.