The Strategic Planning Phase
Intro Heading link
Stakeholder engagement was a critical driver in successfully developing the strategic plan. The process was overseen by a steering committee, an operations committee, and seven work groups. The larger college-wide community was also an important stakeholder group that contributed to the strategic plan. Community forums were held twice (May and September 2019) to bring together stakeholders from all campuses to reflect on the results of the strategic planning process and provide valuable feedback that directed the work groups and committees in their work to develop the final plan.
Committees Heading link
The steering committee
The steering committee consisted of senior-level leaders (10 individuals) who were charged with recommending a final strategic plan to executive leadership. They oversaw the vision and direction of the strategic planning process and confirmed and endorsed strategic recommendations and initiatives in collaboration with UI Hospital & Clinics and other partners and university leaders. This committee met approximately every six to eight weeks in 2019.
Role Explanation
- Senior-level group, leading and directing the course of the engagement
- Confer with UI Health and other partners, leaders, and university leadership on UI COM’s strategic direction
- Confirm and endorse strategic recommendations and initiatives
- Michael Zenn
Chief Executive Officer, University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics - Robert Barish, MD
Vice Chancellor, Health Affairs - Raymond Curry, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs, UI COM - Gloria Elam, MD
Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, UI COM - Patricia Finn, MD
Head, Dept. of Medicine, Associate Dean, COM Strategic Initiatives - Charles Ray, MD, PhD
Former Interim Dean, UI COM, Dept. Head, Radiology - Mark Rosenblatt, MD, PhD*
Dean, UI COM - Todd Van Neck
Associate Dean for Administration, UI COM - William Walden, PhD
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, UI COM - Beth Wrona Murphy
Senior Director of Special Projects, UI COM
The operations committee
The operations committee (24 individuals) provided continuous review of findings and ensured the strategic planning process kept the tripartite mission in balance. They were also responsible for reviewing analytics and findings, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations. They helped identify strategic areas of inquiry for the work groups and coordinated the planning process with existing strategic initiatives. To further pare down the identified strategies, the committee members engaged in a detailed prioritization process to determine the impact each goal would have on the broader college of medicine. The committee was ultimately responsible for recommending the adoption of the final strategy and goals to the steering committee. This committee met approximately every four to six weeks in 2019.
Role Explanation
- Provides continuous review of findings and ensures process of engagement keeps the tri-partite aim of UI COM intact
- Review analytics, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Identify strategic areas of inquiry for the work groups
Coordinate with existing strategic initiatives
- Rhea Begeman, BSN,
MS Director of Admin. Operations - Geri Donenberg, PhD
Director, Center for Dissemination & Impl. Science - Gloria Elam, MD
Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, - Olga Garcia-Bedoya, MD
Director, Faculty Development Fellowship-Hispanic COE - Janet Jokela, MD
Regional Dean, Urbana - Kathleen Kashima, PhD
Senior Associate Dean of Students - Patricia Finn, MD
Associate Dean, COM Strategic Initiatives - Olivia Lanser
Student M3, Chicago - Jay Noren, MD
Associate Dean for Leadership Development - Saagar Pamulapati
Student M2, Rockford - Bellur Prabhakar, PhD
Associate Dean Technological Innovation and Training - Charles Ray, MD, PhD
Former Interim Dean, Department Head, Radiology - Mark Rosenblatt, MD/PhD1
Dean, Ul COM - Susan Ross, PhD
Dept. Head Microbiology/Immunology - Sara Rusch, MD
Regional Dean, Peoria - Glen Schumock, PhD
Dean, UIC College of Pharmacy - Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD
Regional Dean, Rockford - Alexander Tang
M3 Student, Peoria - Patrick Tranmer, MD
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Exec. Director of MSP
Todd Van Neck Associate Dean for Administration - Terry Vanden Hoek, MD
Ul Health CMO, Dept. Head, ER - William Walden, PhD
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs - Beth Wrona Murphy
Senior Director of Special Projects
1 Newly appointed Dean in March 2019
The Work Groups

Each work group consisted of a small group of faculty, staff, and students best positioned to “work through” an identified focus area and to brainstorm an initial set of goals. The work groups then developed these goals into a proposed set of strategies, along with the specific tactics to achieve these strategies and the potential metrics to monitor them. During the entire process, the work groups assimilated data and gathered input from community forums and other stakeholders to inform their output.
*Denotes work group chair
To provide feedback to specific work groups, please contact the chairs of the respective work groups.
- Beth Wrona Murphy* Senior Director of Special Projects
- Tom Wyatt, Director of Marketing
- Leila Amiri, PhD, Director of Admissions
- William Walden, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Jeff Jacobson MD, Professor of Medicine
- Sara Rusch, MD | Meenakshy Aiyer, MD, Regional Dean, Peoria | Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Pauline Maki, PhD, Sr. Director of Research, Center for Research on Women and Gender
- Carrie Hermanson, Director of Marketing, Public Relations & Business Development, Rockford
Education & Clinical Affiliates
- Raymond Curry, MD*, Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs
- Olga Garcia-Bedoya, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine
- Meenakshy Aiyer, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Alex Auseon, DO, Associate Professor of Medicine
- Mitchell King, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Rockford
- Kelvin Wynn, MD, Thomas and Ellen Foster Endowed Chair, Peoria
- Henry Dove, MD, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
- Bellur Prabhakar, PhD,* Associate Dean, Technological Innovation & Training
- Ron Gaba, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology
- Marcelo Bento Soares, PhD Senior Associate Dean for Research; Professor and CBP Department Head, Peoria
- Jan Kitajewski, PhD, Head, Department of Physiology & Biophysics
- Richard Minshall, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Anesthesiology and Pharmacology
- Lea Smucker, Dir. of Admin. Operations, Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Martha Daviglus, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Gail Prins, PhD, Professor of Urology and Physiology; Director, University Andrology Laboratory
- Geri Donenberg, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Psychology, Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation Sci., Dir., Healthy Youths Program
- Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram, PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford
- Jalees Rehman, MD, Director of Research, Division of Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology and Bioengineering
- Subhash C. Pandey, PhD, Professor & Director, Alcohol Research Center, Department of Psychiatry
- Peyton Bohnsack, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry
- James Hopkins, Graduate Student, Ocular Virology Lab
Student Experience
- Kathleen Kashima, PhD*, Senior Associate Dean of Students
- Michele Marsicalco, MD, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Health Sciences Student Affairs, Chicago
- Julie Mann, Director, Program Administration, MSTP, Chicago
- Gloria Elam, MD Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, Chicago
- Terri Blevins, EdD, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs & Academic Progress, Rockford
- Tim Bruce, PhD, Professor and Associate Chair, Psychiatry Clerkship Director, Peoria
- Trevonne Thompson, MD Assistant Dean of Residency Preparedness, Chicago
- Mrinalini Rao, PhD, Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics
- Olivia Lanser, M3 student, Chicago
- Saagar Palumapati, M2 student, Rockford
- Alex Tang, M3 student, Peoria
- Carlos Dostal, MD/PhD student, Urbana/td>
- Tara McCray, PhD student, Chicago
- Joshua Ames, PhD student, Chicago
- Jenny Baker, Research Associate
Faculty and Staff Experience
- Charles Ray, MD, PhD, Head, Department of Radiology
- Patricia Finn, MD Associate Dean for College Strategic Initiatives
- Rhea Begeman, RN, Director of Administration, Emergency Medicine
- Marci Fanti Director of Human Resources
- Barry Wenig, MD, PhD, Professor and Director of the Head & Neck Cancer Surgery Center
- Gillian Coombs, Director, Office of Faculty Affairs
- Daniela Nita, Director of Administrative Operations, Cardiology, Chicago
- Janet Jokela, MD, Regional Dean, Urbana
- Sara Smith, MD, Asst. Professor, Clinical Medicine, Chicago
- Michael Fischer, MD Assoc. Professor, Medicine, Chicago
- Meenakshy Aiyer, MD Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Peoria
- Carol Schuster, MD, Assistant Dean of Operations, Rockford/td>
- Lisa Marie Stigger, Executive Assistant to the Chair and Vice Chair of Medicine
- Brett Ruiz, Director of HR, Rockford
Chicago MSP
- Patrick Tranmer, MD*, Executive Director of Medical Service Plan
- Frank Goldberg, PhD, Chief Business Officer of Medical Services Plan
- Heather Prendergast, MD, Associate Head for Academic Affairs
- Lisa Lenz President, Wolcott, Wood and Taylor, Inc.
- George Kondos, Professor and Vice Head of Medicine
- Travis Romagnoli, Director of Administrative Ops., Dept. of Surgery
- Anand Kumar, MD, Department Head, Psychiatry
- Rhea Begeman, RN, Director of Administration, Emergency Medicine
- James Bui, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology, Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
- Rachel Caskey, MD, Chief of the Division of Academic Internal Medicine
- Mary Lou Schmidt, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Division Chief of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Financial Sustainability
- Todd Van Neck*, Associate Dean for Administration
- Kunal Vora, Director, Administrative Operations
- Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE, MHA, Regional Dean, Rockford
- Eric Dubrowski, Executive Director for Fiscal Affairs, Peoria
- Ben Van Voorhees, MD, Department Head, Pediatrics
- Angela Tyner, PhD Professor, Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
- Eliot Rapoport, Rising M2 student based in Peoria
Community Forums Heading link
Engaging the community was an important element of the strategic planning process. Over 100 stakeholders were interviewed to provide input to the current and future state of UI COM. Furthermore, during the first community forum in May 2019, stakeholders across the Chicago, Peoria, Urbana, and Rockford campuses were presented with the initial findings of the SWOT, the peer analysis, and work groups outputs. The aim of this first forum was to have the community provide feedback to the work groups and challenge the results by offering specific questions for the work groups to tackle. Over 400 individuals participated in this community forum that spanned two weeks and included six town hall meetings and 19 breakout sessions. In September 2019, the each of the regional campuses again invited all students and employees to come together to review and vet the preliminary strategies.
Process FAQs Heading link
How were committee and work group members chosen?
More than 80 different people from across the College are actively participating in the strategic planning process as a committee or work group member.
The project sponsor team coordinated with other College of Medicine leaders to identify individuals. The intent was to have members who represent a broad and diverse range of experience, roles, identities, and perspectives.
Members from each campus and stakeholder group (e.g., learner, faculty, staff, etc.) were chosen to ensure balance throughout the process.
The Steering Committee is primarily comprised of senior leaders within the College of Medicine and the broader University; Operations Committee and work group members have varying levels of experience and include medical students and other learners.
Membership for these committees and work groups was updated throughout the planning process (based on feedback) to ensure balanced representation.
How were the work group categories created?
Based on extensive internal and external scans of UI COM through interviews, data analysis, and committee meetings, seven areas were identified as common themes of emphasis for the strategic planning process.
The seven areas selected aim to comprehensively address the most important concerns for UI COM’s future.
How are issues not addressed by the work groups going to be resolved as part of the strategic plan?
Broader and more intersecting issues that cut across work groups or that apply to more than one type of stakeholder (e.g., intercampus connectedness, facility maintenance) are being addressed by the Operations and Steering Committees.
If I am not participating in a committee or work group, how can I provide input into the strategic planning process?
In the initial data gathering phase of the project, our external consultants conducted numerous interviews with different individuals and groups. Over 75 people provided input through this approach.
You have multiple additional options to provide your input on the strategic planning process: (1) submit general feedback via the UI COM strategic planning website, (2) provide feedback that is specific to a certain topic to a work group chair or member, and/or (3) attend community forums to voice your opinion.
If you have taken these steps but feel you need an additional avenue to provide feedback, please reach out to the project sponsor team (Todd Van Neck and Beth Wrona Murphy) to determine a solution. Our ultimate goal is to ensure every piece of feedback is heard.
Have the goals, outcomes, and initiatives of the strategic plan already been determined?
No, as of the beginning of July the key elements for the strategic plan have not been finalized.
All work groups have drafted recommendations for goals, outcomes, and initiatives and are continuing to revise the content based partly on community feedback.
The Operations and Steering Committees next will provide their feedback to the work groups, who will then re-engage with the broader UI COM community to share their recommended goals, outcomes, and initiatives.
The work groups will continue revising this content until Fall 2019. We encourage all to offer feedback as early as possible, so we can better understand where to allocate our planning efforts.
How will UI COM prioritize all the ideas for goals provided by various stakeholders?
The Operations Committee will be conducting a prioritization exercise that will consider five criteria: (1) reputation and recognition, (2) contribution to sustainability, (3) alignment with UI, UIC, and UI Health, (4) multiple campuses/one college, and (5) diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Additional consideration will be given to the perceived difficulty of implementing each goal.
The final selection and phasing of goals will be an inclusive process that will not be limited to just the Operations and Steering Committees. Additional community forums will be held in the Fall to vet the identified goals and strategies before the strategic plan is finalized
How are other UIC health science colleges factored into this process?
Leaders or representatives of all the UIC health science colleges have been interviewed as part of the strategic planning process.
Inter-professional coordination has been emphasized throughout the strategic planning process and is likely an emerging goal for one or more of the work groups.
Were the previous community forums the only time that the plan will be presented?
No, additional community forums will be conducted in late Summer or early Fall where participants will get to view and provide input on draft strategic plan documents.
How are existing strategic planning efforts being incorporated into the process?
As part of the information-gathering process, extensive interviews and data analyses were completed to better understand relevant elements from regional campus strategic plans and the UIC strategic plan. We are currently working to align and incorporate these concurrent planning efforts into the UI COM strategic plan.
The UI COM strategic planning team is also working closely with the UI Health strategic planning team to ensure close coordination.
Does this process seek to address operational issues?
Yes, a focus area created as a result of the goals submitted by work groups to project leadership is named “Operational Effectiveness.”
This Operational Effectiveness focus area seeks to reduce bureaucracy and streamline processes to enable learners, faculty, and staff to work more effectively.
How will the strategic plan be monitored moving forward?
The last phase of the project will focus on understanding necessary resource allocations, determining key milestones, identifying success measures, and developing the communications and implementation approach for the strategic plan.
Our intent is to create a fully achievable plan that we will refer to on an ongoing basis and one that will guide our college for years to come.