4-Year Integrated MD/MPH Program


The MD/MPH program is available in partnership with UIC’s School of Public Health. The joint degree program is designed to prepare students for leadership at the interface of clinical medicine, public health, and preventive medicine. The American health care system needs leadership to facilitate collaboration in clinical services and public health to achieve optimal health status for the population. The joint degree will facilitate careers as high-level clinical health system administrators, consultants, and executives in public health. The 4-year program of study enables graduates to combine clinical knowledge and administrative skills and facilitate delivery of health care services in a wide variety of settings.

A schematic outlining student progress through the program is found here.

How to Apply Heading link

Applicants to the MD/MPH program must:

  • Apply to UI COM through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), and check the box expressing interest in the combined MD degree/graduate program
  • Enroll in the summer prematriculation IPHS 500 seminar using the instructions found here
  • During M1 year, apply to the UI College of Medicine joint degree program (application distributed during fall and spring terms)

Length of program: Full-time students may complete the degree in 4 years.

Program Contacts Heading link