Joint Degree Programs

Joint degree programs enable UI College of Medicine students to simultaneously earn an MD and a second degree. Joint degrees may help students to:

  • Explore complementary interests that combine medicine and public health, science, business, or engineering
  • Broaden professional competencies
  • Foster an ability to participate in a wider multidisciplinary community
  • Develop relationships with mentors across various disciplines
  • Accelerate career success

For all joint degrees, the MD portion of the training can be completed at any of the three UI College of Medicine campuses. For these programs, application occurs after matriculation to the UI College of Medicine, either in fall of M1 year (MD/MPH) or spring of M3 year (MD/MS-BIOE, MD/MS-CTS, MD/MBA). A joint degree admissions committee makes final decisions on acceptance.

Joint degree programs permit shared credit, which are credit hours applicable to both degree programs. The process for utilizing shared credit is outlined below.

UI College of Medicine offers the following Joint Degrees: Heading link

* Program is available to students from any UI COM campus

Joint Degree Program Shared Credit Heading link

Students participating in joint degree programs may apply for shared credit, which are credit hours applicable to both degree programs. University of Illinois educational policy recognizes shared credit as innate and essential to joint programs. From the perspective of the College of Medicine, shared credit spans coursework and activities compatible with overall educational goals of the MD program and address graduation competencies. The process by which shared credit is activated is displayed below.

  1. Total shared hours and courses are unique to each program (see Table below).
  2. Prospective scheduling/registration/application of shared credit occurs during M4 year (see Table below).
  3. Student selects appropriate elective rubric (see Table below), completes self-designed elective form, and submits to Joint degree program (Assistant Dean for Joint Degree Programs or Director of Supplemental Academic Programs) for approval.
  4. Joint degree program (Assistant Dean for Joint Degree Programs or Director of Supplemental Academic Programs) approves shared credit request.
  5. Student identifies a time block into which to schedule.
  6. Form submitted to COM registrar for processing via Student Scheduling Request Form
Rubric Title Shared Credit Approved Courses Scheduling Comments
ELEC183 Joint degree, MD/MPH Up to 12 - IPHS 404, Analytic and Research Methods in Population Health Part I (3 hours)
- IPHS 405, Analytic and Research Methods in Population Health Part II (3 hours)
-IPHS 650, Applied Practice Experience (3-5 hours)
- IPHS 698, Integrative Learning Experience (1 hour)
Applied longitudinally during Spring term of M4 year Nothing for student to do; joint degree program oversees student registration for shared credit
ELEC184 ELEC184 Up to 8 Student to discuss with joint degree program leadership Added in open 4-week block during M4 year Student must submit form to add credit
ELEC185 Joint degree, MD/MS-CTS Up to 12 - BSTT 401, Biostatistics I (4 hours)
- IPHS 598, Research in public health sciences (8 hours)
Added in open 4-week block during M4 year Student must submit form to add credit
ELEC185 Joint degree, MD/MS-BIOE Up to 8 Student to discuss with joint degree program leadership Added in open 4-week block during M4 year Student must submit form to add credit