Education Medicine Program (EdMED)

EdMED Heading link
The Education Medicine Program (EdMED) is a 4-year curricular program that runs in parallel to the core medical school curriculum. EdMED provides medical students with mentored experiences in medical education practice and scholarship. It seeks to prepare students for careers in academic medicine as educators or educational researchers. Participants will learn to:
- Recognize appropriate educational practices (instruction, assessment, curriculum, program evaluation, etc.) for medical education,
- Apply educational theories and conceptual frameworks used in scholarship,
- Translate educational practice to research questions,
- Identify research methodologies for studying specific research questions, and
- Engage in effective scientific writing for disseminating scholarship.
For more information, please contact Julie Mann at
Student Contributions to Medical Education Heading link
Here is a glimpse of the invaluable contributions made by students during their participation in the Education Medicine Program (EdMED).
- Geraghty, J. R., Young, A. N., Berkel, T. D., Wallbruch, E., Mann, J., Park, Y. S., … & Hyderi, A. (2020). Empowering medical students as agents of curricular change: a value-added approach to student engagement in medical education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 9, 60-65.
- Russel, S. M., Geraghty, J. R., Renaldy, H., Thompson, T. M., & Hirshfield, L. E. (2021). Training for professional uncertainty: Socialization of medical students through the residency application process. Academic Medicine, 96(11S), S144-S150.
- Geraghty, J. R., Ocampo, R. G., Liang, S., Ayala, K. E. O., Hiltz, K., McKissack, H., … & Ryan, M. S. (2021). Medical students’ views on implementing the core EPAs: recommendations from student leaders at the core EPAs pilot institutions. Academic Medicine, 96(2), 193-198.
- Forrest, L. L., & Geraghty, J. R. (2022). Student-Led Initiatives and Advocacy in Academic Medicine: empowering the leaders of tomorrow. Academic Medicine, 97(6), 781-785.
- Conway, N. B., Khan, I. A., & Geraghty, J. R. (2020). The new era of pass/fail USMLE Step 1: Medical students’ call to action. Academic Medicine, 95(9), 1292.
- Geraghty, J. R., Russel, S. M., Renaldy, H., Thompson, T. M., & Hirshfield, L. E. (2023). One test to rule them all: A qualitative study of formal, informal, and hidden curricula as drivers of USMLE “exam mania”. Plos one, 18(2), e0279911.
- Russel, S. M., Carter, T. M., Wright, S. T., & Hirshfield, L. E. (2023). How do academic medicine pathways differ for underrepresented trainees and physicians? A critical scoping review. Academic Medicine, 98(11S), S133-S142.
- Russel, S. M., Farzal, Z., Ebert, C., Buckmire, R., DeMason, C., Shah, R., & Frank‐Ito, D. O. (2023). Finding the potholes in academic career pathways for underrepresented groups in otolaryngology. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.
- Kaylan, K. B., Russel, S. M., Justice, C. N., Sheena, M. K., Hirshfield, L. E., Heiman, H. L., & Curry, R. H. (2022). Applying the lean startup method to structure project-based, student-driven curricular enhancements. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 34(4), 434-443.
- Schwartz, L. F., Lineberry, M., Park, Y. S., Kamin, C. S., & Hyderi, A. A. (2018). Development and evaluation of a student-initiated test preparation program for the USMLE step 1 examination. Teaching and learning in medicine, 30(2), 193-201.
University of Illinois College of Medicine Alum Joseph Geraghty MD, PhD presenting at annual AAMC Learn Serve Lead conference, November 2023

University of Illinois College of Medicine Alum Joseph Geraghty MD, PhD presenting at annual AAMC Learn Serve Lead conference, November 2023
Learn Serve Lead- AAMC Annual Conference (2023) with student alumni Joe Geraghtyand Sarah Russell. Also picutred, Dr. Euna Chi, Dr. Ani Gangopadhya. Dr. Asra Khan. Dr. Amy Lin and Dr. Claudia Boucher-Berry

Learn Serve Lead- AAMC Annual Conference (2023) with student alumni Joe Geraghtyand Sarah Russell. Also picutred, Dr. Euna Chi, Dr. Ani Gangopadhya. Dr. Asra Khan. Dr. Amy Lin and Dr. Claudia Boucher-Berry
Student-Faculty co-led academic workshop discussing student-centered active learning in medical education, facilitated by former DME faculty Dr. Janet Riddle (2017)

Student-Faculty co-led academic workshop discussing student-centered active learning in medical education, facilitated by former DME faculty Dr. Janet Riddle (2017)
Student leaders presenting at the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs in 2016 describing the UICOM Student Curricular Board alongside advisors former Dean Abbas Hyderi and Julie Mann (2016)

Student leaders presenting at the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs in 2016 describing the UICOM Student Curricular Board alongside advisors former Dean Abbas Hyderi and Julie Mann (2016)