
Intro Heading link
This online repository houses relevant resources and contact information for students seeking career advice. We encourage you to review the career-related materials provided (e.g. Specialty Webinar, Interview Questions, Research, etc.) as you seek support in your journey through medical school.
If you have further questions that are not addressed on this page, please feel free to contact a Specialty Faculty Mentor for further guidance.
Match Preparation and Charting Outcomes Heading link
You are more than your Step Scores! Use the NRMP page to look at the qualifications of applicants who have successfully applied to your specialty.
Should applicants do away rotations?
Not necessary. It can help the applicant should they be looking at a specific program, but in general will not help in application other than at that institution.
Research is not required, but is almost always helpful in the application process. Neuro specific research is preferable, but even if not in neurology, what matters is the research is productive (eg conference poster/presentation or publication) and the applicant can speak intelligently about it.
Letters of Recommendation
- Number of letters recommended 3
- Chair’s letter required? Not required, but encouraged.
- Number of letters from within specialty? 1-2
- Number of letters from away rotations/institutions? N/A
- Do you require the MSPE before offering interviews? Yes
Letters from faculty who know you well and can speak to your strengths. Letters from clerkship and residency program directors and chairpersons/dept heads are helpful but not necessary.
Personal Statements
What makes you unique? The goal should be to let the reader know about aspects of you that aren’t already in the other parts of your application.
Application Timing
- When do programs in your specialty generally begin reviewing applications? ERAS opening
- When do programs in your specialty begin offering interviews? After MSPE release
- When does your program generally offer interviews? After MSPE release
- Do you require the MSPE before offering interviews? Generally, yes
Interview Advice
Expect to be asked about what got you interested in neurology, what, if any, subspecialty you are interested in, and what kind of career do you envision for yourself (eg academic vs private, clinical vs research, outpatient vs inpatient etc).
Post-Interview Advice
Thank you letters and phone calls are not necessary, but can be helpful. If you are particularly interested in a specific program, let them know. But be honest when expressing rank to programs (don’t tell every program you are ranking them at the top, because PDs talk amongst themselves).
For further guidance, contact our specialty faculty liaison:
Pritikanta Paul, MD
or contact coordinator
Jeannette Hernandez
Should applicants do away rotations?
We do not think it is necessary to do away rotations.
Research is not necessary but it definitely can be helpful.
Letters of Recommendation
- Number of letters recommended – 3
- Chair’s letter/SLOE/special letter required? No. At least one LOR should be from a neurologist
- Number of letters from within specialty – 1
- Number of letters from away rotations/institutions
- Do you require the MSPE before offering interviews? No
Personal Statements
Be sure to include in your statement your passion for and sincere interest in neurology.
Application Timing
- When do programs in your specialty generally begin reviewing applications? September 15, or whenever ERAS opens
- When do programs in your specialty begin offering interviews? As soon as ERAS opens
- When does your program generally offer interviews? September 15, or whenever ERAS opens
- Do you require the MSPE before offering interviews? No
Interview Advice
We interview 10 candidates per spot. Show a keen interest in our specialty and do your homework about our institution. Come with your own questions as you are interviewing us too!
Post-Interview Advice
Thank you cards or emails are nice, but they certainly don’t affect your rank. It is not necessary for candidates to contact us regarding how well they will rank us.
For further guidance, contact our specialty faculty liaison:
Greg Blume, MD
Jorge Kattah, MD
Charlotte Besse, Coordinator
Helpful Resources Heading link
- The NRMP publishes a survey of Applicants each year. This report presents the results of selected items from the 2022 NRMP Applicant Survey. The report documents factors that applicants weigh in selecting programs (1) at which to interview and (2) to rank in the Main Residency Match. It can be found HERE.
- The NRMP Publishes a survey of Residency Program Directors. This report examines the factors program directors use to select applicants to interview and rank. Data are reported for 22 specialties and the transitional year in the Main Residency Match. It can be found HERE.
- Looking for residency programs? The AAMC interactive, Careers in Medicine Website is where you should be! LINK
- Having difficulty deciphering this information? Contact your Student Affairs Career Advisor on your campus!!!
Below you will find resources to help you get started when applying for residency.
- American Urological Association (AUA)
- FREIDA Residency and Fellowship Program Database
- The Road to Residency Made Simple
- AMA Residency match made simple: From M4 to PGY-1 in 6 steps
- AAMC/NRMP/NBME collaborative Residency Exploration Tool
- Apply Smart
- Careers in Medicine
- Doximity Residency Navigator
- Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)
- Medical Residency and Fellowship Map
- National Resident Matching Program (NRMP
- San Francisco Match (SF Match)
- Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO)