Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)
The OSR is the student branch of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
The AAMC is comprised of, and represents undergraduate and graduate medical education in the U.S. Membership includes the Council of Deans (COD), Council of Academic Societies (CAS), Council of Teaching Hospitals (COTH), the Organization of Resident Representatives (ORR), and the OSR. Other groups within the AAMC of particular interest to medical students include the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) and the Group on Student Affairs (GSA). The GSA is subdivided into committees representing admissions, student financial assistance, minority affairs, student affairs, and registrars.
OSR Mission Statement
The OSR provides medical students with an active role in achieving AAMC’s mission to improve the nation’s health through the advancement of academic medicine. Additionally, the OSR seeks to assure that students actively participate in directing their educations, preserving their rights, and delineating their professional responsibilities. To this end, the OSR provides medical students with a voice in academic medicine at a national level and strives to foster student involvement and awareness in this arena at a local level.
College Committees Heading link
College Committee on Admissions | CCA
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCA student members include:
- Formulate and recommend to the Executive Committee the policies for student admission the College of Medicine.
- Admit all students to the College of Medicine through processes based upon approved policies; such policies to relate to the establishment of:
- Criteria and standards for the evaluation of candidates
- Procedures for application
- Procedures for the review of applications
- Procedures for acceptance of candidates
- Formulate and recommend policy regarding the recruitment of students.
- Maintain records that permit continuing evaluation of policy and process regarding admissions.
- Develop the means of facilitating understanding of College policies and procedures among premedical advisors.
CCA Meeting Information
This committee meets on the third Thursday of each month. Please contact your Student Affairs office for information regarding meeting locations, videoconference and teleconference options.
As materials are confidential, each student member will be contacted by the chair person or secretary of the committee with further instructions regarding meetings, agendas and other committee issues. In the event that you are not contacted, please contact the Administrative Secretary of the committee for instructions.
College Committee on Instruction & Appraisal | CCIA
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCIA student members include:
- Regularly review and recommend to the Executive Committee the instructional, evaluation, and appraisal policies of the College for undergraduate medical education.
- In consultation with the Program sites, establish the minimum competencies expected for all graduates of the College of Medicine and monitor the effectiveness of the curricular and appraisal experiences and instruments adopted by the Programs to provide and to certify those competencies.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the College of Medicine curriculum and the appraisal instruments used to monitor student progress throughout that curriculum.
- Ensure that the curriculum offered and appraisal instruments used meet requirements for Liaison Committee on Medical Education accreditation.
- Encourage, when appropriate, the Programs to work in a cooperative/collaborative manner in efforts best served by a collaborative effort.
- Encourage, when appropriate, development of unique curricular endeavors appropriate to the environment in which each Program resides.
CCIA Meeting Information
This committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Please contact your student affairs office for information regarding meeting locations, videoconference and teleconference options.
As materials are confidential, each student member will be contacted by the chair person or secretary of the committee with further instructions regarding meetings, agendas and other committee issues. In the event that you are not contacted, please contact the Administrative Secretary of the committee for instructions.
College Committee on Research | CCR
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCR student members include:
- Advise the Dean concerning the administration of general purpose research grants in the College.
- Develop means by which the research interests of the Faculty and student body may be fostered.
- Encourage procurement of institutional general research funds.
UI COM’s research goals are broad and ambitious, as are the needs and hopes of our patients. We aim to advance treatment now, and health in the future, by pursuing both fundamental insights and their application to the practice of medicine. Investigators across the College of Medicine are doing cutting-edge research in clinical medicine, in basic biomedical science, and in the translation of basic findings into clinical practice and societal health. Focus areas include cancer, women’s health, neuroscience, cardiac and vascular medicine, infectious disease, and obesity and diabetes.
For campus specific information, please choose from below:
Student Awards & Scholarships | CCSAS
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCSAS student members include:
- Accumulate and disseminate information about student fellowships and awards (excluding academic honors).
- Actively solicit nominations for such awards.
- Identify the students most worthy of receiving these several honors and awards.
- Establish means through which recipients may be recognized by the faculty, student body, and the community.
- Devise and coordinate an appropriate introduction and recognition for each award recipient on Honors Day.
- (This responsibility will be amended to the UMSC constitution): Accumulate nominations and select a final candidate from your campus who will be considered to represent the entire College of Medicine for the AAMC Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award.
Student Promotions | CCSP
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCSP student members include:
- Review and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on policies regarding student progress, dismissal or graduation.
- Review and take action on proposals from the College’s Programs regarding student progress, promotion, dismissal or graduation.
- Establish guidelines and procedures for any student wishing to present evidence in support of an appeal of an adverse academic action.
- Make specific recommendations of the Executive Committee concerning the graduation of students.
- Report dismissals and reinstatements of students to the Executive Committee.
- Identify and make known to the Dean, the Program Director, the Faculty, and the student body of the College those students who have achieved outstanding records and make specific recommendations regarding academic honors.
CCSP Meeting Information
This committee meets on the third Friday of the month. Please contact your student affairs office for information regarding meeting locations, videoconference and teleconference options.
As materials are confidential, each student member will be contacted by the chair person or secretary of the committee with further instructions regarding meetings, agendas and other committee issues. In the event that you are not contacted, please contact the Administrative Secretary of the committee for instructions.
Student Committees Heading link
Foreign Exchange Committee | FEC
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of FEC student members include:
- Actively seek new foreign exchange programs.
- Promote international health interests at all four UI COM campuses.
NOTE: All FEC members are ineligible to be recipients of Foreign Exchange Awards while serving on the committee.
For a list of clerkships and other international experiences that UI COM students have participated in the past, please click here. For more information, please visit the FEC website!
FEC International Rotation Evaluation Form.
Meeting Information
This committee’s meeting schedule is created by the chairperson. Please refer to the committee list to find contact information for the committee chair.
Student Diversity and Inclusion Committee | SDIC
Per the UMSC constitution, responsibilities of CCA student members include:
- Recommend strategies to UMSC and the UI COM administration that promote diversity and inclusion of students across all UI COM campuses
- Promote and encourage increased inclusion, representation, and diversity amongst the UMSC membership and Executive Council, including surveying, canvassing, or consulting with students on behalf of the UMSC general body
- Attend regular SDIC meetings as determined by the Chair
- Coordinate with local SDIC chapters
- Coordinate with the College of Medicine Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion
- Relay any relevant policy changes to the UMSC general body
SDIC Meeting Information
This committee’s meeting times are to be determined.
Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Heading link

Congratulations to the 2023 Nominee: Dr. Nicole C.P. Thompson!
Selection Process
Each campus is responsible for electing one nominee from their campus before the UMSC meeting. During this meeting, UMSC will evaluate each of the four candidate’s application and we will all vote on one candidate to be the UIC-COM candidate for H.I.M. Your OSR reps will then prepare the application for this candidate and submit it to the national board.
The criteria employed in the selection of the award recipient will include the assessment of his/her professional and personal skills, personal attributes, and professional and academic activities that provide evidence of the following qualities and characteristics:
- Positive mentoring skills
- Involvement in community service
- Compassion/Sensitivity
- Collaboration with students and patients
Written nominations must provide evidence and documentation of the nominee’s embodiment of these qualities and characteristics. Nominations should also include academic, mentoring, advising, and counseling activities as well as specific examples of modeling ethics of the profession in addition to community service that demonstrate the nominee’s effectiveness in role modeling the importance of these qualities to students, patients, and faculty.