Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
For general MSPE information, please see the AAMC website
Algorithm for Determination of MSPE Quartiles in the Class Heading link
Used to determine quartiles for MSPE; top quartile forwarded to AOA chapter as initial step in their nomination process; also carried forward, with additional Phase 3 criteria, in determining Graduation Honors.
A student’s MSPE quartile score is determined using the criteria for the class graduating in that year, not the class with which they matriculated.
Phase 1 Performance: 44 pts max
Allocation of points for Phase 1:
- In keeping with P/F approach, students receive full phase 1 points with the following exceptions:
- Failure of a final Block course exam brings a deduction of 1 pt, with a maximum of 5 points deducted for exam failures in M1 year and 3 points deducted in M2 year for final exam failures.
- Failure of a course, due to repeat exam failure or other means, brings a deduction of 5 pts. If preceded by initial exam failure, the two deductions are not additive.
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation = deduction of 5 pts per incident
- Failure of the USMLE Step 1 exam on initial attempt brings a deduction of 3 points.
Phase 2 Performance: 56 pts max
There are 7 Phase 2 core clerkships: internal med, family med, peds, surgery, ob/gyn, psychiatry, and neurology.
Allocation of points for Phase 2:
- The core clerkships each yield a max of 8 pts for the final grade: Pass =4, High Pass =6, Honors =8
- An initial failing grade for the entire clerkship yields 0 pts for that clerkship in the algorithm
- Unmet requirements, including each initial clerkship subject exam failure and any failure of the graduation competency exam, result in subtraction of 2 pts
- Failure of an elective clerkship or other non-core course during Phase 2 brings a deduction of 5 pts for a H-HPP-F and 3 points for an S-U course
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation brings a deduction of 5 pts per incident
100 points possible
*If a core clerkship is missing when the MSPE is generated, the student will receive the average score for the clerkships they have taken in place of the missing score. For example, if they have not yet taken pediatrics, and have received honors in 2 clerkships, high pass in 3 clerkships, and pass in one, they will receive 6.33 points for the missing pediatrics clerkship– [(2×8)+(3×6)+ (1×4)]/6=6.33.
* In addition, some students who matriculated in 2019 or prior had one of their core clerkships affected by COVID and graded on a credit/no credit basis and the above procedure for missing clerkships will be used
Used to determine quartiles for MSPE; top quartile forwarded to AOA chapter as initial step in their nomination process; also carried forward, with additional Phase 3 criteria, in determining Graduation Honors.
A student’s MSPE quartile score is determined using the criteria for the class graduating in that year, not the class with which they matriculated.
Phase 1 Performance: 44 pts max
Allocation of points for Phase 1:
- In keeping with P/F approach, students receive full phase 1 points with the following exceptions:
- Failure of a final Block course exam brings a deduction of 1 pt.
- Any unmet requirement during the M2 year brings a deduction of 1 point with a maximum of 5 points deducted for exam failures in M1 year and 3 points deducted in M2 year for the combination of final exam failures or unmet requirements.
- Failure of a course, due to repeat exam failure or other means, brings a deduction of 5 pts. If preceded by initial exam failure or other unmet requirement, the two deductions are not additive.
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation = deduction of 5 pts per incident
- Failure of the USMLE Step 1 exam on initial attempt brings a deduction of 3 points.
Phase 2 Performance: 56 pts max
There are 7 Phase 2 core clerkships: internal med, family med, peds, surgery, ob/gyne, psychiatry, and neurology.
Allocation of points for Phase 2:
- The core clerkships each yield a max of 8 pts: Pass =4, High Pass =6, Honors =8
- An initial failing grade for the entire clerkship yields 0 pts for that clerkship in the algorithm
- Unmet requirements, including each initial clerkship subject exam failure or failure of the graduation competency exam, result in subtraction of 2 pts
- Failure of an elective clerkship or other non-core course during Phase 2 brings a deduction of 5 pts for a H-HPP-F and 3 points for an S-U course
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation brings a deduction of 5 pts per incident
100 points possible
*If a core clerkship is missing when the MSPE is generated, the student will receive the average score for the clerkships they have taken in place of the missing score. For example, if they have not yet taken pediatrics, and have received honors in 2 clerkships, high pass in 3 clerkships, and pass in one, they will receive 6.33 points for the missing pediatrics clerkship– [(2×8)+(3×6)+ (1×4)]/6=6.33.
* In addition, some students who matriculated in 2019 or prior had one of their core clerkships affected by COVID and graded on a credit/no credit basis and the above procedure for missing clerkships will be used
Students have the option to seek academic counseling from individuals who are not involved in MSPE preparation. Students can request a different MSPE writer by contacting their Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
Revision date 2/21/2025
Used to determine quartiles for MSPE; top quartile forwarded to AOA chapter as initial step in their nomination process; also carried forward, with additional Phase 3 criteria, in determining Graduation Honors.
A student’s MSPE quartile score is determined using the criteria for the class graduating in that year, not the class with which they matriculated.
Phase 1 Performance: 44 pts max
Allocation of points for Phase 1:
- In keeping with P/F approach, students receive full phase 1 points with the following exceptions:
- Any unmet requirement in phase 1 (failure of final exam, failure to meet all criteria for passing a course on first attempt) brings a deduction of 1 point, with a maximum of 5 points deducted for in M1 year and 3 points deducted in M2 year
- Failure of a course or requirement to remediate a course, due to repeat exam failure or other means, brings a deduction of 5 pts. If preceded by initial exam failure or other unmet requirement, the two deductions are not additive.
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation = deduction of 5 pts per incident
- Failure of the USMLE Step 1 exam on initial attempt brings a deduction of 3 points.
Phase 2 Performance: 56 pts max
There are 7 Phase 2 core clerkships: internal med, family med, peds, surgery, ob/gyne, psychiatry, and neurology.
Allocation of points for Phase 2:
- The core clerkships each yield a max of 8 pts: Pass =4, High Pass =6, Honors =8
- An initial failing grade for the entire clerkship yields 0 pts for that clerkship in the algorithm
- Unmet requirements, including each initial clerkship subject exam failure or failure of the graduation competency exam, result in subtraction of 2 pts
- Failure of an elective clerkship or other non-core course during Phase 2 brings a deduction of 5 pts for a H-HP-P-F and 3 points for an S-U course
- The College Committee on Student Promotions determination of professional behavior issue requiring remediation brings a deduction of 5 pts per incident
100 points possible
*If a core clerkship is missing when the MSPE is generated, the student will receive the average score for the clerkships they have taken in place of the missing score. For example, if they have not yet taken pediatrics, and have received honors in 2 clerkships, high pass in 3 clerkships, and pass in one, they will receive 6.33 points for the missing pediatrics clerkship– [(2×8)+(3×6)+ (1×4)]/6=6.33.
* In addition, some students who matriculated in 2019 or prior had one of their core clerkships affected by COVID and graded on a credit/no credit basis and the above procedure for missing clerkships will be used
* This quartile calculation method is subject to change at the discretion of the CCIA. It will be used for class of 2027 and all future classes unless a change is approved by the curriculum committee.
Students have the option to seek academic counseling from individuals who are not involved in MSPE preparation. Students can request a different MSPE writer by contacting their Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
Revision date 2/21/2025