College Committees
links Heading link
- UIC College of Medicine Handbook on Committees
- Addendum to Handbook on Committees (Chicago site)
- Collegewide
- AY24-25 Membership on Standing Committees
- AY24-25 Membership on College Executive Committee – coming soon
- Chicago
- AY24-25 Membership on Standing Committees
- AY24-25 Membership on Chicago Executive Committee – coming soon
Current Elections Heading link
College Executive Committee Election – Chicago campus
The election for Chicago representatives to the College Executive Committee will soon be launching.
General Information on Elections Heading link
College Executive Committee Election – Chicago campus
The College Executive Committee consists of 22 elected regular members (12 from Chicago, 5 each from Peoria and Rockford); 22 elected alternate members (12 from Chicago, 5 each from Peoria and Rockford); the Dean, who shall serve as chairperson; and the two Regional Deans, serving ex-officio, without vote. Members are elected annually for one-year terms.
Faculty Senate election
The Faculty Senate election is held annually in early February. Eligible faculty are sent a survey and asked to indicate their interest in serving if elected. Based on those results, an election is held to determine final membership.
Faculty senators are elected for three-year terms unless filling a vacant seat in which case the term may be shorter. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a Senator may serve. Additional information may be found at the Faculty Senate website.
UIC Promotion and Tenure Committee
The UIC Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs on all candidates for promotion and tenure at UIC. The committee conducts its own review following the review at the department and college levels.
Representation for the College of Medicine consists of 3 elected members as well as additional members appointed by the Provost. Eligible members are faculty who hold the rank of professor with tenure at 100% time and who do not hold a major administrative appointment. Members serve 3-year staggered terms.
Each September, the College of Medicine distributes a nominations ballot to faculty in all tracks whose contract calls for greater than 50% time, and whose promotion and/or tenure decisions have been or will be reviewed by the UIC Promotion and Tenure Committee. The names of the 3 candidates who receive the highest number of votes and have indicated willingness to serve are reported to the Senate Office, which then conducts a university-wide election to determine final membership.