Salaried New Appointments (Visiting/Advanced Rank)

  • At the assistant professor level, determination of faculty track will be made by the department head.
  • Members of other medical schools in Illinois holding a position of assistant professor or higher will be eligible only for the title of Lecturer at UIC.
  • For advanced rank salaried appointments (associate professor or professor/all tracks), a dossier must be submitted for review and approval by the College promotions committee.  The review process should be initiated within the first year of appointment.  Once submitted to the College, dossiers will be reviewed  at the next scheduled meeting of the college faculty appointments, promotion and tenure committee.

Units should submit advanced rank new appointment packets to the College by uploading them into the appropriate COM P&T submissions folder in Box. Please contact Rosa Setterstrom for access to your unit’s Box folder.

Affixing scanned signature images is a suitable alternative to securing original signatures.

On rare occasion, an abbreviated set of documents may be permitted for cases of lateral-move appointments where the proposed rank and tenure status are equivalent to those held at the previous institution.  A written request from the department head justifying the need for an expedited review along with the candidate’s CV must be submitted to COM Faculty Affairs for review and approval prior to development of the dossier.  Not all requests will be granted.

All appointments to the tenure system (tenure-track assistant professors, “Q” appointments, and tenured faculty) must have prior approval by the Board of Trustees before a faculty member may start their appointment. Departments should work with COM Human Resources and Faculty Affairs to develop the necessary paperwork well in advance of the proposed faculty start date.  If the appointment begins before appropriate approvals are in place, a “visiting” modifier will be required.

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