Annual Faculty Meeting

Business at the College’s annual faculty meetings include updates from the leadership at each campus, faculty presentations, annual reports from the College’s standing committees, and ratification of the standing committee slates.

Archived Faculty Meeting Agendas and Reports Heading link

Thursday, August 15, 2024 Agenda

In-person locations:
Chicago: CMWT 227
Peoria: A100-1
Rockford: S-232

and Hybrid via Zoom Link

College of Medicine – Collegewide

[local College of Medicine Chicago standing committee elections and reports will directly follow the College-wide portion of this meeting]

College of Medicine Chicago 

Faculty Gathering and Reception immediately following in adjacent area on each campus

Thursday, August 10, 2023 Agenda

In-Person Locations:
Chicago: CMWT 227
Peoria: A100-1
Rockford: S-232

Zoom link: Meeting ID: 848 0067 7735   Passcode: v6dJ2ee0

College of Medicine – Collegewide

College of Medicine Chicago 

Thursday, August 11, 2022, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Agenda

College of Medicine – Collegewide

[local College of Medicine Chicago standing committee elections and reports will directly follow the College-wide portion of this meeting]

College of Medicine Chicago