Annual Faculty Meeting
Business at the College’s annual faculty meetings include updates from the leadership at each campus, faculty presentations, annual reports from the College’s standing committees, and ratification of the standing committee slates.
Archived Faculty Meeting Agendas and Reports Heading link
Thursday, August 15, 2024 Agenda
In-person locations:
Chicago: CMWT 227
Peoria: A100-1
Rockford: S-232
and Hybrid via Zoom Link
College of Medicine – Collegewide
- Welcome
- Updates from the College’s Leadership
- Executive Dean Rosenblatt (Meeting version)
- Executive Dean Rosenblatt (extended version for web site reference)
- Regional Dean Stagnaro-Green
- Regional Dean Aiyer
- Faculty Spark Talks
- Transforming Cardiac Arrest Care – Terry Vanden Hoek, Professor and Head, Emergency Medicine, COM Chicago
- When Herpes Simplex Virus Infects the Eye – Deepak Shukla, Professor, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, COM Chicago
- Advancing Academic Pediatric Cardiovascular Care – Marc Knepp, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Pediatrics, COM Peoria
- Cognitive Decline in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease – Orly Lazarov, Professor, Anatomy & Cell Biology, COM Chicago
- CFAS COM Representatives Report: Masahito Jimbo
- Minutes of the August 10, 2023 Annual Faculty Meeting
- College Standing Committee Elections
- College Standing Committee Reports
- Admissions: Trevonne Thompson
- Instruction & Appraisal: Richard Tapping
- Student Promotions: Claudia Lora (for Christine Park)
- Research: Bellur Prabhakar
- Faculty Awards: Geri Donenberg
- Continuing Medical Education: Mitchell King
- Faculty Appointments, Promotions & Tenure: Charlotte Joslin
- Clinical and Adjunct Appointments & Promotions: Pauline Maki
- Emeritus: Marcelo Bento Soares
- Student Experience: Mark Gonzalez
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Gloria Elam
- Highlights of Faculty Member Awards
- Adjournment of College-wide Meeting
[local College of Medicine Chicago standing committee elections and reports will directly follow the College-wide portion of this meeting]
College of Medicine Chicago
- Minutes of the August 10, 2023 Chicago Annual Faculty Meeting
- Chicago Standing Committees Elections
- Chicago Standing Committee Reports
- Committee on Committees: Gloria Elam
- Student Promotions: Keia Hobbs
- Continuing Medical Education: Carolyn Brecklin
- Adjournment of Chicago Meeting
Faculty Gathering and Reception immediately following in adjacent area on each campus
Thursday, August 10, 2023 Agenda
In-Person Locations:
Chicago: CMWT 227
Peoria: A100-1
Rockford: S-232
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 848 0067 7735 Passcode: v6dJ2ee0
College of Medicine – Collegewide
- Annual Report to the Faculty
- Updates from Leadership
- Lightning Talks
- Dr. Niranjan Karnik
- Dr. Hana Hinkle
- Dr. Jerry Krishnan
- Dr. Jalees Rehman
- Dr. Martha Daviglus
- Approval of Minutes of the August 11, 2022 Annual Faculty Meeting
- College Standing Committees Election
- Brief Reports from Standing Committee Chairs
- Admissions: Dr. Trevonne Thompson
- Instruction & Appraisal: Dr. Claudia Boucher-Berry
- Student Promotions: Dr. Michael Bresler
- Research Dr. Bellur Prabhakar
- Faculty Appointments, Promotions & Tenure: Dr. Pauline Maki (for Jonna Frasor)
- Clinical & Adjunct Appointments & Promotions: Dr. Pauline Maki
- Student Awards & Scholarships: Dr. Peggy Wheeler
- Faculty Awards: Dr. Geri Donenberg
- Continuing Medical Education: Dr. Carolyn Brecklin (for Mitchell King)
- Emeritus: Dr. Marcelo Bento Soares
- Student Experience: Dr. Laura Amanda Perry (for Mark Gonzalez)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Dr. Gloria Elam
- Old Business
- New Business
- COM Bylaws Amendment: Dr. Jay Noren
- COM Bylaws Amendment: Dr. Jay Noren
- Campus-Specific Business (to be conducted locally)
College of Medicine Chicago
- Chicago Standing Committees Election
- Chicago Committee Reports
- Committee on Committees: Dr. Gloria Elam
- Student Promotions: Dr. Keia Hobbs
- Continuing Medical Education: Dr. Carolyn Brecklin
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment followed by Faculty Gathering and Reception
Thursday, August 11, 2022, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Agenda
College of Medicine – Collegewide
- Welcome
- Approval of Minutes of the August 11, 2021 Annual Faculty Meeting
- Approval of Minutes of the March 9, 2022 Special Faculty Meeting
- COM Annual Report to the Faculty 2021-22
- Presentations from the College’s Leadership
- College Standing Committee Reports
- Committee on Committees: Gloria Elam
- Admissions: Trevonne Thompson
- Instruction & Appraisal: George Kondos
- Student Promotions: Michael Bresler
- Faculty Appointments, Promotions & Tenure: Jonna Frasor
- Clinical and Adjunct Appointments & Promotions: Pauline Maki
- Student Awards & Scholarships: Peggy Wheeler
- Faculty Awards: Geri Donenberg
- Continuing Medical Education: Carolyn Brecklin (for Mitchell King)
- Emeritus: Marcelo Bento Soares
- Student Experience: Mark Gonzalez
- Old Business
- New Business
- Revisions to the COM Bylaws: Jay Noren
- Adjournment of College-wide Meeting
[local College of Medicine Chicago standing committee elections and reports will directly follow the College-wide portion of this meeting]
College of Medicine Chicago
- Chicago Standing Committees Elections
- Chicago Standing Committee Reports
- Committee on Committees: Gloria Elam
- Student Promotions: Keia Hobbs
- Continuing Medical Education: Carolyn Brecklin
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment of Chicago Meeting